Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Displaying the installation

Finishing touches and fiddling with the layout

First attempt at putting up the brackets!! ...i eventually aligned them evenly and arranged them high enough to ensure the fabric hung just above the floor.

I was happy with the way the screens hung, it worked out just as id intended- the shadows also stayed in place and werent flush to the fabric, purposefully to give movement to the images.

 I arranged the lighting behind the screens, on the shelf half way up the fabric and focused them on different aspects of the design, so as to light up certain areas and dim others. My choice of lighting could have been better as the bulbs are clearly scene behind. However spot lights, i found were quite harsh, a lightbox would have been more effective to create softer light but would have only provided one source of light. Considering the lightness of the room and difficulty displaying the piece well enough due to the location of plugs etc i think it worked well and am satisfied it worked as i invisaged.

My first arrangement, but wasnt satisfied with the zoetrope being displayed on the floor and the shade wouldnt reach to the plug so had to shuffle things around to ensure the birds were still reflected clearly on the wall..the second arrangement didnt do this-

Also looked much too close together and cluttered- wanted the screen to stand alone and have more dominance over the space, the birds were too far from the wall..

So then moved the podium with shade and zoetrope to the other end of the wall in order to access the plug and space out the pieces to benefit them both and enable them to thrive in more space.
I also messed around with the lighting positions a few times to create the appearance i was satisfied with.
The finished installation.


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